I come to my own understanding
the blinding light of realization
Staring at the world thru pinholes
the scream of the solar wind
tearing through my skull
the visions of mystics threaten
at the door,
my only desire- for clarity & silence.
Clarity of mind born from dispassion
control- alternative-delete
and begin again.
A bug in the system-
creeping, gnawing, feeding
and the Source reveals itself
I see patterns
Alone in a crowd
alone in the world
I would bleed
for my god
if I had one.
ebb & flow
a beach washed away
and born in one
God is a beachcomber
searching out that
perfect shell
I found the bug
amid the gel of thought
Purest of pure
are the only ones
born to utter
the Word
How many of those
can there possibly
Silence between the
It's coming clearer
Stop trying to stop
the voices the screaming
Let the sun in it burns
it burns away the
I am free.
All is One
the pattern emerged
while staring into
the One.

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James