I lost my heart today
I got up and looked
but it was gone.
I guess it was
tired of the abuse
and neglect
and decided
to move on
I carried it in my
because it was easier
than wearing it on
my sleeve
It felt
I suppose
I had no more use
for it,
and so decided
to leave
tiny heartbeat
too soft for the world
to hear
where are you lying now
with no one to tend
to your fear
I needed you
if only
to carry what I
can no longer bear
if I knew where to look
I would bring you
home with care
in the middle of
this mortal coil
swimming in this
life of illusion
I have little enough
to hold on to
and now even less
I wonder where a
heart of stone
goes to find reprieve
I would tell it I
would trade places
if it would just
choose not to leave

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James