been writing poetry at MySpace for some reason. Preserving it here.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
One Door Opens
Current mood: grieving
another closes.
sometimes it is hard to decipher which
is witch
a hand reached to me
I answered
I found a friend
and for a time was healed
Now I am at a loss
It seems life chips away
in little tiny moves
breaking this heart
to shards
and then quarks
an dthere is no glue
to mend it with
I tire of the goodbyes
especially those never said
I tire of the empty spaces
left as the room grows cold
I suppose
I look outside myself
for too much affirmation
but it is said that one
is known by the company
one keeps
Would that I could keep yours
I'm tired of closing doors
and learning not to trust
the next that opens.
In bitter tears I turn away.
I stole those pictures today
they may be all I have
when the morning light turns grey
i hate goodbye
I hate having to lose
I hate knowing once again
I walk through here alone
I hope it changes
but I will mourn just the same
a part of me died today
and the passing should be honoured
in the name of the Triple Goddess,
Maiden, Mother, Crone
I bid thee godspeed to wherever
and pray that you come home.
blessed be my friend.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
not sure
so much pain in the world
and we usually inflict it upon ourselves.
there is no outside remedy
no place to hide til it goes away
only time to spend inside
seek within
for the strenght
the answers
the thing that is us
each and all
it is only from ourselves
that true happiness is derived
no one and nothing
can patch the holes,
mend the heart,
guide us through this life
the zen buddhists
call it
chop wood, carry water
do the simple things
to the best of your waking day
be happy in the little accomplishments
and know you have
made a difference
in a life
if merely your own
there is no other true place
for peace to grow
but in one's own heart.
1:34 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
an early AM away
Current mood: tired of games
this is driving me crazy!
Too much time in my own head and I still cannot see the way.
I cannot have what works for me,
yet what I can isn't what I need.
Sometimes there are too many facets to this life and I can't
tell which is real and which a lie.
there's that word again.
you brought it up awhile back, with bitterness,
and sarcasm, yet again trying to joke
but not really.
I am sometimes not sure when to laugh
or give you a hug.
but there you are.
Beauty as to only artists,
yet there you stand
looking uncomfortable in your own skin
making me wonder if I
am dealing with a man
or a boy.
Most are both really,
and I love and envy
them for it.
they remind me how to play
bu none ever seems to stay
I don't know why.
but for you,
I would try.
and again there it is-
I do not know why.
I only know I hate the cold pillow
next to me, and the distance
between us,
you and me.
10:43 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Current mood: quiet
crisp bite in the air
normal sounds of everyday
muffled to extinction
skies whisper
of coming cold
leaves flap by
in their migration
winter comes
this is the time
of dying
to be reborn
at midwinter fires
the world turns round
once more
peace in the coming times , friends.
8:07 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Sunday, November 20, 2005
wanna be somewhere else right now. Close enough to touch, though it is forbidden. For now anyway.
Want to know I have the chance I need. Want to know that something might just go right for me for a change.
and unable to do a damn thing about it. too far away. wait for another day....
to touch and say
what I feel.

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James