Sunday, December 11, 2005
Sidewallk Poet
chalk scraps across the concrete
scratchy sound
sends chills up my spine
if only to remind
me to pay attention
it is the only pay cheque
worth bothering with
the world of man slides
by, a blur of noise
a whisper of rushing feet
a flash of passing shades
all lost to the background
of confusion
this is all illusion
what is real moves
a different pace
walks the soil not cement
is a different place
yet right outside your door
I draw the heart of man
where the feet scrape it away
and I draw it again
to draw attention
to what fails you every
i am the keeper of rhyme
it is my job
to make sure you see
once in awhile
what is truly there
which is not what
you think
but rather what you need
take heed
sometimes the Truth
comes upon velvet feet
pads into your line
of vision
just long enough to
make you stop
leaves you wondering
what you saw
real or delusion
like I said
just illusion
look for the painting
etched into the sidewalk
Truth comes from all corners
maybe even yours

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James