Everything has led to this point
all decisions
all mistakes
all triumphs
all hopes and dreams
night time curls around me,
made a little softer
because I understand
we cannot grow
any way else
part of the journey
is the lessons
part of the challenge
is the trials
they make us who
we are
who we must be
Some walk alone
some walk in
pairs or groups
some meet at crossroads
only to diverge again
it is the way of things
no story ever ends
just warps its way along
and “along” has
brought me here
here I meet new eyes
not my own
but coloured with
a similar song
And for that moment
I know again
I am not alone
who would think
a distant smile
could warm me so.

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James