Sometimes I wonder why I fear
And what it is I fear.
I argue my limitations
and sure enough they are.
I demand to be heard
but when the floor is mine
I forget what I was
yelling about.
Is it truly that success
scares the living hell out of me.
Is it that I fear the Source
within me will dry up.
Is matyrdom so preferable
to exploring my art to its depth.
Do I fear that what I do
Cannot stand the test
of Time.
I do not like the aloneness.
Sometimes it threatens to break me.
I do not like the floundering in the
mud of mediocrity because
I fear.
What I do not know
is how to break down the door
that I've so long refused to
and no one else can do it for me.

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James