reader of fates
caster of stones
and now the message
screams loudly
for me-
Break down the walls
open the windows
breathe the air
of spiritual freedom
Sing to the world
of that gentle heart
the one that cries
at small creatures' passing
the shouting, the shoving
needs to die away
so the gift within
can finally glow
that light under the bushel
was never about praise to God
but living so that one
IS a glory to the One
it is the cruel Temptress
of this world
who teaches to hide, protect,
fail to trust ever again
and all that one can do with
is die inside a little
more each day
Such lessons are easily said
but not so easy to apply
I feel a change in the wind
it sings of freedom finally

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James