We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James

Monday, March 14, 2005

one more time, it seems

love is a cheat
played upon the soul
like so many games
at the penny arcade

a handful of coins
to be spent or hoarded
as wisdom says
if only I’d known

I would have
put them aside
to waste at
another time

a diffferent soul
to spend my
time upon

a waste of change
thrown to the world
by one too naive
to know the difference

Now I stand here
yet again

the runes said
this pattern
could not
be repeated

I did not take
The Gods

such am I
made into Icarus

Would that it was enough
to burn me away
to mere ash

As it is
I plummet to
the ground

little more than
a puddle of
useless wax

Yet again
has that deceiver Love
left me damned

damned forever
to question my

I accept now
that I am to be alone
for whatever
whatever karma
I have earned
through folly large
or small

I will cease to ask
for any further boon

and ask only of
the One
that It teach me dispassion

that I might never feel like this


I love you anyway
no distance
no time
no other person

will ever change that.

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Trust not those without a little touch of madness.