Why do I travail so?
I know you are out of my reach,
Out of the scope of my possession
Though I would never try to own
Such a high-flying bird.
Why do I pine over a face?
It is a face that shall be Wisdom
to some, though I don't think it knows
But I think my thoughts are too radical;
I am setting myself up for a letdown.
I hope you never fall out of grace,dear one,
Never come to question what seems
to make you happy now.
Though the woman in me would like
To permeate your private side,
The spirit in me sees much
That is to become of you.
You are strangely wise for your years,
Yet flooded with amazing innocence.
I hope they shall both be your friend
And not your demise.
I cannot bend my knee to pray-
You see, my "god" and I just discuss
Things, when the world gets out of hand.
All the books, all the rabble-rousing
of religion are most distressing to me.
My god is Infinite (good name for it, too.)
My god is everyone and thing known
And a lot more that isn't.
I do not expect hellfire, nor sympathy,
but Patience and a Shoulder to lean on
When this Lesson I am here for
Gets me down.
There really isn't much more to it than that.
I am an infant piece of a gigantic....Existence.
So are you.
Why make more of it than that,
when all that is required
Is that you be happy,
that you work hard,
and that you know eventually,
through you Lessons,
You will fill the space made for you
before our limited scope as humans
sought to measure Time.
There's the only catch:
It's simple.
Simplicity seems to escape humans.
So they invented complexity.
Now we have 3 pieces to the Puzzle,
and the rest of us just sit about
wondering if someday we'll be
graced with the chance to
be part of a part of a Piece.
Better yet, why not call it
But we were never less than
The Whole of It.
children of God?
No, a piece of God Itself.
(I put no limits, not even a sex, to the Is.)
In fact, blasphemous as it would be said to be,
We are God.
That's putting it in plain English.
Only, despite being plain,
It is still far fromthat easy.
I mean, I'm talking of a Universe.
Do you realise how vast that is?
No, you can't.
It is beyond human comprehension at this point.
Perhaps someday.
But it is a lot bigger than this continent,
Or our beautiful Terra
Or even our Solar system.
Still, we are one with all of It
and It with all of us.
I hope someday to help you feel
The Pulse of the Universe,
the very movement of Life Itself,....
the very breath of God.

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James