you make my heart sing
when I least expect it
The lay of your lashes
against your cheek
The curve of your neck
against the sheet
I watch you in the morning
light,softly sleeping
The rise & fall of your breath
as soothing as ocean waves
& I wonder if I am
still dreaming
It is said of men
that to love for them
is enough
And of women it is
that they know
they serve
in loving
I have searched so long
in this lifetime
for one to share it with
That I often talk myself
out of what I've found
such as your lovely smile
Is it not strange
to any other
that I live for that
briefest of moments
when you hold my
eyes in yours
and smile as though
we were one
In the end
in truth
it is all I have
and it sustains me
until the next one
You do so make my heart sing.

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James