The crickets chirr
The birds chirp awake
Apollo creeps over the horizon
Reminding us the darkness has an end
In the mind's eye, I see
The movements of man and spirit
Fighting for freedom
Why is the battle so hard
The daybreak brings relief
from those things bottled inside
A respite from the battles
of will against soul
I know the grounds too well
They haunt my sleep
and my waking day
To walk across the Barrier is no joy
I am separate from Them
Yet I live side by side
Destined to know an outcome
I can't explain
Why to be so aware
Why to carry a pain
That has no words
Why to find peace
In the solitude of night
Where dreams are Morpheus' reality
The daylight creeps past
Burning my eyes away
Turning on a reality I deny
where is the peace I am promised
I am locked away
In a world of illusion
How do I explain which is which
You see only half of it
And I cannot join in your dance
Apollo is rising
Sweet Luna regrets time lost
And I ponder the dusk
Of the World
Close my eyes, sweet Morpheus
Consume me in the burning of the chariot
Close my ears to unreal sound
Take away the weight
I can no longer carry it.
So be it.

We work in the Dark; we give what we have. Our Doubt is our passion- our passion is our task, and the rest is the madness of art. -Henry James